Видео Гонщики Формулы 1 готовы к Гран При Азербайджана 2017 года Video: F1 Drivers is waiting for the Azerbaijan Grand Prix (gdgcjiHjjemKv-baku-f1-2017_final-version.mp4)script will run when this content is shown. Фернандо Алонсо провел насыщенный день в Баку Video: Fernando Alonso Tours Baku Ahead of 2016 Grand Prix of Europe (gdgarTibghijqj-alonso.mp4) script will run when this content is shown. Скачать Frame width: 1920 Frame height: 1080 Frame rate: 25 frames/second Как строили Паддок Baku City Circuit? Video: How build paddock of Baku City Circuit (gdgapafehihaihia-timelaps.mp4) script will run when this content is shown. Download Frame width: 1920 Frame height: 1080 Frame rate: 25 frames/second Гюльхусейн Абдуллаев протестировал трассу Baku City Circuit Video: Gulhuseyn Abdullayev test drives in Baku City Circuit (Full) (gdgaokcjevfP-test-dive-hq-video.mp4) script will run when this content is shown. Скачать Frame width: 1920 Frame height: 1080 Frame rate: 25 frames/second Video: Gulhuseyn Abdullayev test drives in Baku City Circuit (onboard) (gdgaojXghcjiN-test-drive-hq.mp4) script will run when this content is shown. Скачать Frame width: 1920 Frame height: 1080 Frame rate: 25 frames/second 3D Презентация трассы Baku City Circuit Video: 3D Презентация Baku City Circuit (3d-track-presentation-rus-final.mp4) script will run when this content is shown. Скачать Frame with: 1920 Frame height: 1080 Frame rate: 25 frames/second Визит Фернандо Алонсо в Баку Video: Визит Фернандо Алонсо в Баку (alonso_rus_subs.mp4) script will run when this content is shown. Cкачать Frame with: 1920 Frame height: 1080 Frame rate: 25 frames/second Строительные работы на Baku City Circuit (Март) Video: Construction works on Baku City Circuit (March Report) (baku_programas_final.mp4) script will run when this content is shown. Азербайджан новая точка на карте Формулы 1 Video: Азербайджан новая точка на карте Формулы 1 (f1_baku_track_rus.mp4) script will run when this content is shown. Скачать Frame with: 1920 Frame height: 1080 Frame rate: 25 frames/second Презентация Baku City Circuit (короткая версия) Video: Presentation of Baku City Circuit (short version) (presentation-of-baku-city-circuit-short-version.mp4) script will run when this content is shown. Скачать Frame width: 1920 Frame height: 1080 Frame rate: 25 frames/second